Some years ago, the Lord revealed to us that He was about to start using women, specifically of The African continent. He said, “He is going to use the foolish things of this earth to confound the wise.” Since then, we have seen African women facing pains that are incomprehensible to others. Abuse by spouses, in-laws, widow persecution, financial abuse, violence etc.
We are disciples of Jesus Christ, who are committed to Christ and His kingdom above other things. This vision is divinely inspired to empower women. This empowerment started especially with the women in Africa. Year by year, God is healing the brokenhearted and setting captives free and then purifying a people prepared for Christ, ready and zealous for good works.
We are passionate about organizing International Christian Women Conferences on the issues that are peculiar to women. We also network women and women ministries, and support one another in our individual callings.
We support, we use the Word of God for change, we impart wisdom, we ignite the prayer lives, we help impart vision, we clarify ministry, we support godly family roles as a wife and a mother, and finally we empower kingdom women for leadership.
We will like to thank our Lord Jesus Christ, the Owner of this Vision, as well as the God head – God; the father, our Provider and Maker, and God; the Holy Ghost, our Helper for this move of God.
KWIC started 20 years ago, precisely in the year 2002. This year, the program will hold
from Friday 17th – Sunday 19th June 2022.
For over a decade, we have organised KWIC Conferences across the World. Pre-Covid, we did it yearly in Nigeria every May, in United Kingdom, September, in South Africa, November and we have had several conferences in Zimbabwe and Kenya.
Since last year, we started having virtual edition of our conferences to bring everyone together.
Our next physical conference will be held in Canada. In the past 20 years, we have seen mighty miracles happen during and after KWIC conferences.
Women have been empowered, families have been restored, healing has taken place, and destinies have been activated.
What We Do
SUPPORT: Kingdom women are usually women in Christian discipleship and leadership. Women who lead women ministries, wives of Pastors, female Pastors and ministers, workers in Christ’s vineyard, disciples and committed Christians. We therefore support them.
CHANGE: In these meetings we look at issues peculiar to women. Issues that address their concerns and issues that meet their needs according to Bible standards. The question-and-answer forum during KWIC is usually life transforming.
WISDOM: At KWIC Women are taught the Wisdom of God in their homes. How they can love the body of Christ and their families by service and applying a mothering anointing and the kind of nurturing love only a woman can give.
PRAYER: Women are connected to the Throne of Grace and stay connected, receiving grace, power and enablement for living. Singles are taught how to pray through for God’s perfect will for their lives and how, not to compromise.
MINISTRY: Women of God are turned into mighty battle axes by the Holy Spirit to devastate the kingdom of Darkness and populate heaven
PARENTING: Mothers are taught to lay hold on God until God turns their Children and their Jerusalem to a praise on earth.
VISION: KWIC sets a Kingdom vision before the women in the body of Christ and helps them attain it.
REVIVAL: We equip women to be at the frontline of intercession and prayer for families, nations, and churches, as they work AND walk with God like the women of the early church to restore the backslidden, the compromised, and those who have lost their first love for our Lord and King in this generation.
We have enjoyed support from men in the Body of Christ. In fact, we have almost half of the participants being men in our Annual Lagos Conference. The same phenomenon was replicated in our last annual KWIC conference in Johannesburg as we had almost a quarter of the attendees being men.
Another unique phenomenon is that we have had Pastors, Bishops and Apostles, rent buses to bring their women annually to KWIC. Many cancelled their annual women conferences and instead invested to bring their women to the KWIC conference. A pastor said “KWIC brought peace to his home, his church and entire family.” He sends his wife, women leaders, and daughters to attend KWIC every year.
You are invited to come for the virtual meeting this year with your questions. Kindly send an email supplied on this site with your questions for the Q and A.
I will like to encourage you to register and join KWIC if you are a woman, we have a volunteer form available you can also request for it through our email.
Kindly join us and you will see Christ transform your life, family, church and decorate your life as He meets the needs of HIS PEOPLE. The organising committees in several countries who are looking for members, kindly join us.
Women, let us be who God wants us to be in homes, in the church and in our nations by attaining destiny.
It is in the interest of every church to encourage women to partake in this great move of God.
In October 1999, while I was ministering during an interdenominational program tagged; EXALTATION 99, a word of prophesy came that God was about to start using women mightily in the Body of Christ. However, the enemy has recognised this, and he is holding them bound by several perceived hurts.
-- Apostle Titi Oluwadare
“In October 1999 we held an interdenominational program tagged; EXALTATION 99 at the National Stadium, Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria. I never knew that God intended to give me a new burden at that program.
As I was ministering a word of prophesy came that God was about to start using women mightily in the Body of Christ. However, the enemy has recognised this, and he is holding them bound by several perceived hurts.
These hurts and offences open them up to the spirits of un-forgiveness, bitterness, envy, strife, and contention. Some have hurts against their husbands, some against in-laws, some against pastors and even some against their children.
Thus, instead of praying until their families, churches etc. becomes praise on earth, they are tearing down the very people they should build up.
The Lord now revealed to us that we should hug ourselves while praying for each other and release the hurts. What happened after was unimaginable. I never knew that there was so much pain under the well-powdered faces and nicely packaged ladies we see in the churches.
Half of the women burst into tears and clung to each other, in fact all the women in the auditorium came out and they were in thousands. I stepped down from the pulpit to pray with some and till today, I still remember the 3 ladies I prayed with before I couldn’t take the pain again and I had to quietly leave the auditorium weeping.
The 1st lady I prayed with must have been in her late 20’s or early 30’s, she clung to me and was riddled by sobbing deep and profound as it tore out from within. She was just saying Jesus several times, and after she called him about 20 times she fell and started rolling on the bare floor, “saying I release the pain, and the hurt, my Lord take it away.”
I prayed with another woman, she was elderly, and was also weeping profusely and saying, “I am hurting.” She said this several times, and she fell carrying me with her on the floor, as she was quite hefty.
The 3rd person was screaming, and she screamed in a shrill and nerve-racking manner as a wounded animal would. I couldn’t bear it again I walked out quietly weeping.
My heart was moved with compassion. How could there be so much hurt in the Body of Christ amongst women, and nobody is addressing it. Instead, we all hide behind a façade as if everything is well. Many people are barely enduring their marriage; some have been wounded and abused by so called brothers in the Body, some people’s lives were torn into shreds before they became Christians, yet the wounds have never been bound or healed.
In Africa, the case of the women is compounded by tradition and often religion which oppresses us. These spirits set up barriers and barricades not erected by Christ, our liberty in Christ to attain full potential is hindered by spiritual strongholds of the devil using manmade structures like tradition and religion. At work at home and even in the church, women meet with oppression, discrimination, and repression.
We are hardly allowed to be ourselves. True we submit to Christ by submitting to our own husbands, yet the traditions and customs of our people have been diluted with Christian’s values to the intent that women are still bound and in captivity even while in church.
No wonder many instead of looking up to Christ begin to help themselves by manipulating their husbands, their children and even sometimes brethren. Some go into divorce, which is not the answer. These hurts and bitterness must have defiled to an extent.
I was so lost in thought that the man standing at the entrance had to call me twice before I came to myself. He introduced himself as a pastor; he should be at least 65 years old and most of his hair was gray. [He introduced himself as a Pastor from the church I was mentored in. I have never seen him, and I searched for him and, I did not see him again]
He said to me, pointing to the women in front “Can you see them: they are the problem in the Body of Christ.” “Men should be the ones weeping, they make our lives so miserable, they cause confusion in the church and at home, they confuse us with their often time biased and manipulative advise, and they fight and contend with each other.”
He then turned to me and said please I believe God is sending you specifically today to women in the Body of Christ to help address these issues. He requested me there and then to call an annual women’s conference across the Body of Christ. He said, “we need people who can reach them, I believe our Lord Jesus Christ is sending you to these women. Nobody understands these women, young and old alike, he said.”